Monday, November 22, 2010


This weekend was both exciting and tiring after attending LA's CTN Expo! I met tons of wonderful people and artists, all who were so incredibly inspiring that I couldn't wait to draw once I got home.

One person in particular I met was the amazing Chris Ayers. If you aren't familiar with him, he is the author and artist of the book The Daily Zoo which holds 365 drawings by Chris, one drawing each day for a year. He told me that he started these drawings after battling leukemia. In his book, he mentions that he started the sketches the same day that he was diagnosed and each drawing is a personal reminder to do something you love every day. After both hearing and reading his story, I felt so inspired that starting yesterday, I decided that I too would take on the journey (and challenge!) of creating one drawing a day for an entire year.

Below are the first two of the 365 drawings to come.

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